A country I would love to visit

Hello classmates, this is actually the topic from the first blog session but I didn’t come but here it is
Every time I think about travelling, one of the places that comes to my head is Holland, or well somewhere in the Netherlands. There is not much what I know about this country (this is one of the things that most intrigues me), a little bit of history that I listened in some class in history or others fun facts about their culture, amazing landscapes or their really picturesque architecture that thanks to the internet I know that they exist.

The cultural difference motivates me to want to know more about them, I would love to tour different villages, cities, camping on their beautiful landscapes, meeting people, trying the local gastronomy 
and learning about them.

About studying or working there I think that it could be such an opportunity, because they are a developed country studying or working there would mean a lot of opportunities in every sense.


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